Телеграм канал 'Tsegaye R Ararssa'

Tsegaye R Ararssa

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: 11'865 | на пост: 2'303 | ER: 72.8%
Публикации Упоминания Аналитика

Hayilee fidaa har’a jiru kaan hidhanii itti roorrisaa kaan ajjeesat Hayilee Fidaa kaleessa sirni biroo ajjeesef akka waan quuqamaniitti maqaa isaanitiin daldalu. Hayilee Fidaa kaleessaatiif quuqamuuf imaltoota daandii Hayilee Fidaa Battee Urgeessaa fa’iif kabaja laatuu fi yoo dadhabdan lubbuudhan akka jiraataniif heyyamtu ture.

Hayilee Fidaa kaleessaa kabajjanii du’a isaaniitiif quuqamuuf har’a Gadaa Gabbisaa fi Jaallan isaatif bilisummaadhan akka socho’aniif hidhaadhaa baaftu ture.

Hayilee Fidaa waan lubbuudhan hin jirreef faarsitu malee waan Mangistuu Hayila Maariyaam irratti raawwate caala isa gootu ture.

Mee haa ta’u yookaa nutu dhumee isin gaafachuu dhiisa, ykn isintuu of baree fafakkeesuu dhiisa diddus…




: 11'865 | на пост: 2'303 | ER: 72.8%
Публикации Упоминания Аналитика

Oromos for Justice, Security, and Truth (O-JUST), media release!


These are people who fled their villages/towns because of want and starvation. They say they came from Eastern Harargee Zone (and one of them says she is from Fadis). What caused this? Reports indicate that after their chat farms are sold to mega chat traders of the OPP (and after household chat sale is virtually banned), people are now exposed to famine. Those who can are fleeing in all directions, some to Jijjiga, others to Dirre-Dhawaa, and yet others to the neighbouring highlands of Western Harargee Zone.

While recognising that the imperative of supporting the people is paramount, we cannot ignore the responsibility of #Abiy_Ahmed’s regime for causing this crisis.
#Oromia_cant_wait! #Enough_is_enough!

Видео/гифка, 15 сек, IMG_6063.MP4

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