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Tsegaye R Ararssa

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: 12'058 | на пост: 1'440 | ER: 72.8%
Публикации Упоминания Аналитика

አቶ ከእስር ወጥቶ በሆስፒታል ፒጃማ የሰጠዉ ኢንተቪዉ... ሌሎች ያልተሰሙ ነገሮችን 👇🏿


Видео/гифка, 476 сек, IMG_1596.MP4

“They couldn’t break him. So, they killed him.” French Journalist G. E.


Battee is brutally taken from us. Now, he belongs to the ages (as it was said of others before him). Thankfully for us—much to the horror of his enemies—he has multiplied himself to become a thousand old, if not a million fold, even in his death.


#Now_our_wound #Our_pain! 10 April2024 is the same as 29 June2020! Same wound, same enemy! Same trajectory! From hereon the unfolding shall be cataclysmic for his assassins. That should be our promise to Battee! That is our commitment to him and all the martyrs.

I couldn’t even say “Rest in Peace” so far because I have yet to process, yet to convince myself, that he is taken from us.

#Battee_lives! #Mourn_us_the_living_dead_if_you_must!


ማዘንስ ለእኛ ነው: እያለን ለሞትን! ማልቀስስ ለኛ ነው: በየወቅቱ የተገደሉትን እየቆጠርን ከንፈር መምጠጥን ልማድ ላደረግነው!

እንጂ... ጀግናውማ ላመነበት ኖሮ ክቡር መስዋእት ሆኗል::



Reports from Maqii indicate that the brutal assassination of Jaal Battee was executed by members of the police force. His head was broken open, blood gushing everywhere. Even after his body was collected, blood was oozing out from his disfigured head. Consequently, the intention to conduct his funeral in Finfinnee had to be changed to conduct it in Maqii town in stead.


Jabeessaa Qeerroo
: 24'697 | на пост: 4'875 | ER: 32.5%
Публикации Упоминания Аналитика

በቴኮ እንዲህ ጠፍንገው ጥይቱን አዘነቡብህ.....




“ሰላማዊው” የአብይ አህመድ መንግሥት: በቴ ኡርጌሳን በመግደል "ሰላማዊ" ፖለቲካውን ማስኬዱን ቀጥሏል:: "የአብይ አህመድ የግፍ: የአፈናና የዘር አጥፊዎች አገዛዝ: የኦሮሞ መንግሥት ነውና መደገፍ እለብን" እያላችሁ ንፁሕ ፋሽስታዊ ክፋትን ስታስችሉ የኖራችሁ ኦሮሞዎች: እነሆ "መንግሥታችሁ" ውድ ልጃችሁን በቴን በልጅነቱ ከመንገድ አስቀርቶታልና እንኳን ደስ አላችሁ!

The regime has assassinated Jaal Battee Urgessaa in his home town, Maqii, today. Battee was one of the Senior Leadership Team of the OLF (led byJaal Daa’uud Ibsaa). He has been jailed by the regime several times before. Jaal Battee was one of the young leaders whose stars were just on the rise. He was the embodiment of the future and the aspirations of the Oromo nation, especially that of the youth.

This brutal act of killing Jaal Battee signals to us that #Abiy_Ahmed and his enablers have continued their targeted attacks on the budding Oromo leadership of this new generation thereby destroying all (political) hope of leaving in peace.



አዎን፣ የነቃ፣ የተደራጀና የታጠቀ ኃይል ያሸንፋል። ሆኖም፣ ንቃትም ሆነ ትጥቅ፣ በወጉ ካልተደራጀ፣ ብዙ ፋይዳ አይኖረውም። #ጨክነህ_ተደራጅ!

ሰላማዊ ሕዝብን የሚገድለውን: የቤት እንሳሳትን ሳይቀር በድሮን የሚያጠቃውን የአብይ መንግሥት እየደገፍክ: ለተገደሉት: ለታፈኑትና: ለተፈናቀሉት ማልቀስም ሆነ ስለእነርሱ መናገር አትችልም:: ጦረኛውን ሳትቃወም ጦርነትን መቃወም አትችልም:: #No_More_Fake_Pacifists! #No_more_Abiy_and_his_Stooges!

: 12'058 | на пост: 1'440 | ER: 72.8%
Публикации Упоминания Аналитика

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