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Пост от 05.09.2024 15:31
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⚡️ Friends, we are excited to introduce our partner, STON.fi, and share how you can quickly and easily swap cryptocurrencies in the Tonkeeper app. What are swaps? A swap is a simple, instant exchange of one cryptocurrency for another at its market price. It doesn’t require withdrawing funds to a wallet or using an intermediary. The process is similar to trading but doesn’t involve waiting times or require a crypto-to-fiat exchange. STON.fi STON.fi is the leading automated market maker (AMM) decentralized exchange (DEX) on TON blockchain. As this explanation is quite a mouthful, let’s break it down. Decentralized exchange — an exchange that does not have a governing central authority and processes transactions automatically. AMM — a platform that automates swaps of cryptocurrencies without requiring a buyer and seller to trade directly. It employs liquidity pools—collections of crypto that are locked in a smart contract for swapping purposes—to enable instant swaps. STON.fi is a completely decentralized platform that offers a wide variety of tokens and integrates seamlessly with TON wallets. It is easy to use and offers low-to-zero slippage thanks to algorithms in place and large liquidity pools. STON.fi users can gain extra crypto by providing liquidity to the liquidity pools. The platform also provides opportunities for yield farming and staking. What's more, the platform is developing cross-chain swaps, enabling trading between different blockchains without the need for bridges or wrapped tokens. How to swap crypto in STON.fi: - Open the Tonkeeper browser and find STON.fi in the DeFi category. - Choose the token and enter the amount you want to swap in the You Send box. - Choose the token you want to receive in the “You Receive” box. - Press the Swap button. - Double-check all details and confirm the transaction. - Confirm the swap in the popup notification in Tonkeeper. - Receive tokens instantly. Download Tonkeeper: tonkeeper.com Follow: en · ru · فارسی · 中文 · uz · twitter · discord
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Пост от 03.09.2024 15:01
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Tonkeeper Education Hub: Transaction Status Hi friends! We’re here with the new installment of the education hub where we look into complex blockchain ideas and discuss them in an easy-to-understand manner. This week, we’re examining the lifecycle of a transaction on the Ton blockchain, from initiation to confirmation. Transactions on TON A TON transaction is a state change on the blockchain. It comprises a series of messages, each carrying specific instructions and data. These messages can be categorized into: Inbound messages — messages that originate from external sources and are processed by a TON account. Outbound messages — messages sent from one TON account to another Ton account or to an external destination. Internal messages — messages sent within different components of the same TON account. For a transaction to be successful, all its constituent messages must execute without errors. If even one message fails, the entire transaction is marked as failed. The Transaction Lifecycle A TON transaction undergoes a multi-step process before confirmation: - Transaction Creation. A transaction is meticulously constructed with the necessary details. It is initiated by either a user or a smart contract and digitally signed by the sender to authenticate its origin. - Broadcast. The signed transaction is disseminated across the TON network and is accessible to all participating nodes. - Transaction Pooling. The transaction is temporarily stored in a pool of pending transactions. Network nodes validate its signature and format to ensure compliance with network rules. - Block Inclusion. A validator selects the transaction for inclusion in a newly generated block through a competitive process. Transactions with higher fees generally have a priority. - Confirmation. Once the block containing the transaction is successfully added to the blockchain, the transaction is considered confirmed. Subsequent blocks built upon it further solidify this confirmation. - Events — The Building Blocks of Transaction Information Events are specific actions or occurrences that happen during a transaction. They provide granular details about the transaction's progress and outcome. Common types of events include: Transfer events — Indicate the transfer of value between accounts. Contract call events — Represent interactions with smart contracts. Message sent events — Record messages sent to other accounts. Message received events — Capture incoming messages. Status changed events — Reflect changes in the transaction's status. By analyzing events, users and developers can see what specific actions were performed, which can provide insights into transaction successes and failures. Transaction Confirmation A transaction on TON is considered confirmed when it has been included in a block as it is processed by a sufficient number of validators. The confirmation process ensures the transaction's immutability and prevents double-spending. The number of confirmations required for a transaction to be finalized can vary depending on the specific needs of the application. While a higher number of confirmations generally provides greater security for a transaction, it can also lead to increased transaction latency. Understanding the Status of a Transaction To comprehend the current state of a transaction on the TON blockchain, several methods can be employed: Utilize Transaction Explorers — TON block explorers, such as Tonscan or Tonviewer, can be leveraged, offering a comprehensive approach to understanding transaction status. Scrutinize Transaction Data — A fundamental step in assessing transaction status involves examining the transaction's core data points. Investigate Event Logs — A deeper understanding of a transaction's progression can be achieved through the analysis of event logs. Monitor Confirmation Count — A crucial indicator of transaction finality is the confirmation count. Download Tonkeeper: tonkeeper.com Follow: en · ru · فارسی · 中文 · uz · twitter · discord
Пост от 30.08.2024 13:00
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😎 Multi-Wallet Accounts in Tonkeeper Pro Friends, we are pleased to introduce a new feature in Tonkeeper Pro! Users can create special accounts to generate multiple internal wallets. The feature is now in beta. How to start: 1. Open Tonkeeper Pro 2. Select "Add Wallet" and create a "New Multi-Wallet Account" 3. Choose the settings on the right side of the account 4. Create as many sub-accounts within the main account as you need 5. Manage and customize your multi-account in Tonkeeper Pro 6. When creating a multi-account, a user needs to set up a single backup recovery phrase that can be used to restore access to all wallets linked to the Tonkeeper Pro account Users can set up additional recovery phrases for each wallet and use them in the Tonkeeper app. The free version of Tonkeeper Pro allows the creation of up to three child wallets, each with a unique address. The wallets are not traceable to the parent or sibling wallets. With the Pro subscription, you can create an unlimited number of wallets, with the desktop version supporting up to 500 wallets. Take full advantage of new features! 📈 Download Tonkeeper Pro: tonkeeper.com/pro Follow: en · ru · فارسی · 中文 · uz · twitter · discord
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Пост от 29.08.2024 22:39
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Пост от 29.08.2024 13:01
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🤓 Tonkeeper Education Hub: Smart contracts Hi friends! We’re here with the new installment of the educational hub, where we look into various blockchain concepts. This week, smart contracts are on the roster. In this post, we’ll discuss: - What are smart contracts? - What are they used for? What smart contracts are The name “smart contract” is a bit misleading because smart contracts are not, in fact, contracts. A smart contract is a self-executing program running on the blockchain. It is often compared to the if-then statement in code: If a set of conditions for the transactions is fulfilled, then a smart contract automatically executes, and the resulting transaction is immediately published on the blockchain. Let’s say Tom wants to buy an NFT from Tim for 10 TON. If Tom pays 10 TON, then the smart contract executes. As a result, Tom is the new owner of the NFT and is 10 TON lighter, while Tim receives the payment for his NFT. The advantages of smart contracts: - Fast – a smart contract self-executes as soon as all conditions are met. - No intermediary required – no third party is required as everything is automated. - Immutable and secure – the original smart contract cannot be altered once published on the blockchain. What are smart contracts used for? tl;dr: for pretty much everything. Smart contracts can have extensive use cases and are ubiquitous on the blockchain. They are at the heart of every decentralized application (dApp). Companies across multiple industries have also adopted smart contracts, including JPMorgan Chase, Walmart, Maersk, and Microsoft. Just to give you the overall scope of how common smart contracts are, here is the breakdown of the most common use cases: 1.Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Smart contracts power decentralized exchanges and facilitate lending and borrowing services as well as staking and yield farming. 2. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Smart contracts are used for minting NFTs and trading them on marketplaces. They can also be used to enforce royalties when an NFT is resold. 3. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). DAOs use smart contracts to manage voting processes, treasury management, and decision-making without centralized control. 4. Token Issuance, Management, and Token Standards. 5. Payment Channels. Smart contracts can be used for micropayments and recurring payments. 6. Gaming and Virtual Goods. Smart contracts are used to manage in-game assets and play-to-earn game mechanics. 7. Decentralized identity management and authentication. 8. Supply chain management. Smart contracts can facilitate tracking and verification of the movement of goods through a supply chain. 👉 What other topics would you like us to cover next? Download Tonkeeper: tonkeeper.com Follow: en · ru · فارسی · 中文 · uz · twitter · discord
Пост от 29.08.2024 07:16
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💎 TON network is back online! Most transactions are being processed smoothly, and operations are running as usual. However, please be aware that some minor delays might still occur. We're working diligently to restore full stability very soon. If you have any questions regarding DOGS withdrawals, feel free to reach out support team. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
👍 19
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Пост от 28.08.2024 17:51
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☁️ TON Network Issues Transactions are not processed by the TON network at the moment, all teams in the TON community are investigating the issue. Our team is actively working on a resolution. We will keep you informed as the situation progresses. There is no risk to user crypto assets. Users crypto assets are safe.
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27.08.2024 23:29
🌧 TON Network Issues 23:28 UTC Transactions are not processed by the TON network at the moment, all teams in the TON community are investigating the issue. Your funds are safe. This post will be updated as we gather more information.
26.08.2024 10:52
⚡ Higher than usual network activity Millions of people are claiming DOGS token this very minute and some transactions may experience delays. We are watching all the systems to make sure nothing breaks, all transactions and activities are being processed, but may take a bit longer to complete. Thank you for your patience! 🐾
20.06.2024 17:00
💫 Exciting News! Friends, we're thrilled to announce the partnership between Tonkeeper and Keystone - an open-source hardware wallet that has undergone rigorous audits by several leading security firms in the industry. Now you can manage your assets even more securely by using your Keystone wallet accessible through Tonkeeper Pro and Tonkeeper Web. This integration ensures a high level of security for your assets. About Keystone Keystone is an open-source hardware wallet that has been...
11.06.2024 16:00
📢 Notcoin, Hamster and Tapswap in Tonkeeper Friends, there are many new people in our community and questions related to how to connect and withdraw coins from Notcoin, Hamster and Tapswap have increased. Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions. For questions about Battery or Gasless please read the first FAQ and second FAQ. How do I connect my Hamster to the Tonkeeper wallet? 1. Go to the Hamster bot and select “Connect Your TON Wallet” option 2. Select Tonkeeper from...
06.06.2024 17:50
🚀 Tonkeeper reaches 10 Million Active Users Milestone 🚀 We are thrilled that Tonkeeper has surpassed 10 million active users. This incredible milestone represents a nearly 3x growth compared to the metrics from March. We are creating the most secure and technologically advanced non-custodial wallet for our clients. Recently, we've introduced some groundbreaking features new to the TON ecosystem, like Gasless USDT and NOT transactions and Tonkeeper Battery, relayed almost 1,000,000...