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Телеграм канал «Sergei Sergienko»

Sergei Sergienko
Entrepreneur, investor, founder of Chrono.tech - the first project that converts man-hours into currency value.



You can find out more about me here: Instagram.com/sergeichrono
5 316 531
+5 021
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300 830
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Пост от 07.09.2024 09:38
115 404
Sergei Sergienko
5 316 531
300 830
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🚻 I was thinking about how Web3 is still a 'boys’ club'. Apparently, only 13% of startups have female founders, and just 10% of teams have a decent mix of men and women. From what I’ve seen working in the space, having more women involved is a game-changer. Maybe that's exactly what we're missing? More creative women energy to shake things up and push the industry forward.
👍 772
👏 138
🔥 108
🥰 86
Пост от 06.09.2024 11:51
Sergei Sergienko
5 316 531
300 830
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💻 The teams I've led were mostly remote, and they consistently outperformed expectations. I’ve seen the difference firsthand—it's not about how many hours you spend in the office, but the impact you make. As for pay, it should be tied to your contributions, not the time clocked. The world’s changing fast, and so should we. It’s a shame not everyone’s catching on to that.
Пост от 05.09.2024 15:13
83 834
Sergei Sergienko
5 316 531
300 830
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🤑 Greed has powered many new initiatives in the crypto space, but not in a good way. Remember the Squid Game token? It launched with a ton of hype, riding on the popularity of the show. The founders made big money almost instantly, but then the project vanished, leaving investors with nothing. 👎 That’s not just bad business—it’s harmful to the entire industry. Projects like these are a stain on the crypto world. They create hype, exploit people's trust, and then disappear. I have zero tolerance for that. Sure, making money is great, but not at the cost of integrity. The only way forward is to build projects that offer real value and stand the test of time. Quick cash grabs hurt everyone and damage the reputation of the entire ecosystem.
👍 673
👏 120
🔥 103
🥰 25
Пост от 05.09.2024 08:53
2 049
Sergei Sergienko
5 316 531
300 830
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Do you own any NFTs? I’ve got a couple of apes, which are pretty awesome and their website is a work of art. But what about the entire NFT market? According to the latest report, 96% of NFTs are basically done for, and almost half of the holders are in the red. That’s tough, but in a market as wild as this one, it’s not shocking. Like with many other crypto (and non-crypto) projects, the hype doesn’t always match reality. Sure, some projects are still holding on, but let’s be honest—most NFTs didn’t stick around long enough to be worth it. 🎨 This might not be the end for NFTs, but it’s definitely a time to rethink our approach. Quick gains are tempting, but creating real value pays off a lot more in the end.
👏 2
Пост от 04.09.2024 08:43
9 427
Sergei Sergienko
5 316 531
300 830
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🇧🇷 It's interesting to see how Brazil's decision to uphold the ban on Twitter has shaken things up. I can see both sides of the argument here—freedom of expression vs the spread of disinformation. There's surerly a deeper tension between tech companies and governments on content regulation. What’s happening in Brazil feels like a broader trend we’re seeing all over the place: governments trying to take a stronger hand in moderating what’s allowed online, especially when it involves politics. Meanwhile, we see how quickly users find and embrace alternatives. Yet another reminder of how quickly we can adapt.
👍 24
🔥 4
👏 4
Пост от 03.09.2024 15:42
1 049
Sergei Sergienko
5 316 531
300 830
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🦥 Also, I see that tools like ChatGPT are making us lazier. Even Googling takes some effort, but Chat confidently answers my questions, so I don’t even bother to double-check the facts. The problem is, it makes a LOT of mistakes. So, before you take anything at face value, do yourself a favor and double-check your info. Trust, but verify—or better yet, just verify!
Пост от 03.09.2024 09:10
Sergei Sergienko
5 316 531
300 830
Рекламные посты Упоминания Все посты Аналитика
🤖 Lately, I’ve noticed something odd with AI tools like ChatGPT—they seem to be getting dumber. I’ve been using it for brainstorming, post editing, and some other tasks, but it’s clearly losing its edge. 🤷‍♂️ Sometimes, ChatGPT struggles to understand the simplest tasks and the answers are getting less reliable. I stumbled across an article that confirmed my confusion: these generative AI tools aren’t as smart as we think, and they’re getting worse over time, recycling the same low-quality content. The author pointed out that as AI continues to rely on poor-quality data and content generated by other models, it’s bound to lead to even more errors and “model collapse.” Basically, Garbage In, Garbage Out. 💡 If companies are really hoping to replace knowledge workers with general-purpose AI chatbots, they’re in for a rude awakening.
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