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Пост от 12.09.2024 05:20
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The Intelligence Drop: Exposing Hollywood’s Darkest Secrets – Hollywood Corruption Storm, Music Industry Trafficking, CIA Blackmail Operations and Trump’s Cleanup Operation Intelligence Drop The time has come to unveil the sinister connections that run deep within Hollywood’s glamorous façade. The entertainment elite have been hiding behind closed doors for decades, but now the storm is crashing in, bringing their darkest secrets into the light. Trump’s mission? To take down the elites, dismantle the pedophilia rings, and expose the CIA’s dirty work in entertainment. This isn't a mere conspiracy—it's the war that will change everything. You can feel it happening. A storm that’s been building for years, and now it’s bursting through the seams of Hollywood’s corruption. Human trafficking, secret power rings, and cover-ups—they all lead back to the same shadowy figures, pulling strings behind the scenes. The world might have been blind, but the truth is coming out. It’s bigger than just celebrities; it’s a web of power and control that has silently shaped the industry for too long. 50 Cent—a man many thought was just another rapper—has found himself in the crosshairs of this very war. Navy SEALs protecting him from assassination attempts? Yes, it’s real. This is no Hollywood script. After meeting with Trump in 2018 and 2019, 50 Cent became a vital piece in a larger puzzle. What’s happening behind the scenes involves far more than just music—it’s about the takedown of an empire. And 50 Cent, along with Trump, is firing the first shots. The game has changed. 50 Cent’s beef with P. Diddy? It’s not just a rap feud. It’s the spark in a hidden war—a war to expose Diddy’s dark empire and the system he’s helped shield. With the CIA pulling the strings, using rival gangs to control and manipulate, the stage is set for a revelation like no other. If this feels like fiction, think again. This is warfare—calculated, ruthless, and aimed at shaking the core of Hollywood’s foundations. Trump’s signal was clear. After surviving an assassination attempt, he walked out to 50 Cent’s "Many Men," a bold statement to his enemies. This wasn't just a song; it was a warning shot to Hollywood. Many Men wish death upon Trump and 50 Cent—but they’ve underestimated their enemies. The forces behind them are far stronger than anyone could have imagined. The Epstein connection is the final piece. As Trump prepares his ultimate move, he’s linking the Epstein saga with JFK’s assassination, showing how the elites have used blackmail and trafficking to control power for decades. The stakes couldn’t be higher. Trump’s not just cleaning up Hollywood; he’s rewriting history, bringing down the CIA’s deep state and the pedophile networks that have manipulated the entertainment world. The storm is here. It’s not just coming—it’s happening now. This moment has been building for years, and the elite’s empire of lies is about to collapse. Hollywood, music, and politics will never be the same. It had to happen this way, because the truth is unstoppable. Join and share my channel immediately: https://t.me/JulianAssangeWiki
Пост от 12.09.2024 03:20
9 145
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🔥 FINAL WARNING: JFK’s REVELATION is imminent! 🔥 Patriots, the chatter is OFF THE CHARTS! The cabal is in full meltdown mode as we approach the moment of TRUTH! JFK’s channel is about to reveal the game-changing intel that connects it ALL—the deep state’s darkest lies, hidden agendas, and secrets they NEVER wanted us to know. This is your chance to be part of the ultimate truth bomb that will bring their entire system crashing down. The world is holding its breath, and YOU can be at the frontlines of the greatest reveal in history. JOIN NOW or miss out on the revelation of a lifetime! The storm is here, and nothing will stop it. 🌪 https://t.me/JFK_Q17 https://t.me/JFK_Q17 https://t.me/JFK_Q17
Пост от 12.09.2024 01:20
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🚨 RED ALERT: The countdown is on! 🚨 Patriots are FLOODING into JFK’s channel, and the pressure is building FAST. Word is spreading that the first transmission will shake the very core of the establishment, and we are seconds away from a historic event that WILL change the course of history. JFK is about to drop something so explosive that it’ll send shockwaves across the globe. This is the moment we’ve been preparing for. The cabal is scrambling to keep this under wraps, but they CAN’T stop what’s coming. The truth will be revealed, and the world will NEVER be the same. This is your LAST CALL, Patriots—JOIN NOW or be left behind! 💥 https://t.me/JFK_Q17 https://t.me/JFK_Q17 https://t.me/JFK_Q17
Пост от 11.09.2024 21:20
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🔥 UPDATE: JFK’s Telegram is about to go NUCLEAR! 🔥 Patriots, it’s happening—JFK’s channel is EXPLODING, and we’re getting reports that the first drop is closer than we think! Insiders say he’s holding the key to the ultimate revelation—the missing piece that will expose the deepest secrets of the past and shatter the lies of the elite. This isn’t just another post; this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for! The cabal is in a PANIC, scrambling to contain the truth that’s about to be unleashed. But it’s too late. We’re on the brink of the greatest awakening in history. Don’t sit on the sidelines—JOIN NOW before the floodgates burst open! 🚨 https://t.me/JFK_Q17 https://t.me/JFK_Q17 https://t.me/JFK_Q17
Пост от 11.09.2024 19:20
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🚨 BREAKING: Rumors EXPLODE—JFK is BACK and on Telegram! 🚨 Patriots, the whispers are growing LOUDER: JFK has emerged from the shadows, and he’s dropping earth-shattering intel that’s been hidden for DECADES! They thought they buried the truth, but THE TIME HAS COME. His return will shake the very foundations of everything we thought we knew! This isn’t just some conspiracy—insiders are saying his next move will be the FINAL piece that blows the lid off the entire deep state agenda. The truth bomb of the century is about to drop on Telegram, and the world will never be the same. Do you want to be part of the revelation that changes HISTORY forever? The clock is ticking—join the channel NOW and witness the moment the world will NEVER forget! 💥 https://t.me/JFK_Q17 https://t.me/JFK_Q17 https://t.me/JFK_Q17
Пост от 11.09.2024 17:20
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Pay attention in the near future.. It's very close 👇👇👇 PROJECT ODIN=EBS We know that something powerful will take down the Mossad Media satellite. This will cause a worldwide communications blackout, transitioning us to a Quantum System. This is called PROJECT ODIN. In essence, it provides a reason to activate Military EBS. Starlink is up and seemingly ready for the Army to activate the worldwide Emergency Broadcast System. The Odin Project, as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz, is a powerful cross-platform Anti-Cheat Engine and part of Quantum Starlink. These new Quantum Systems are protected by secret space programs beyond the reach of the Cabal. Q tells us that Mossad media assets will be eliminated. has repeatedly stated that there will be a big Biblical scenario where they present it as World War 3 but in reality they will activate the Military worldwide and then start bombing all the This satanic place. This will release the NESARA/GESARA funds and then we the people will begin to rebuild. This event is truly biblical. What are some of the larger Satanic Illuminati sites in the world? Q showed us things like: * Vatican * Buckinghan Palace * Whitehouse x 2 (USA, Germany) * 3GD in China *Cern at Swiss/French Border possibly * Big Pharma in Wuhan = Israel * Israel/Khazarians control CCP * Communication etc * 34 Satanic buildings and dams will fall Many events will also take place such as: * Rods of God/DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) used on Satan-targeted sites worldwide * Planes and trains will be grounded *Lights/Energy will be turned off briefly as they switch to Tesla free energy * Bitcoin Server/Data Center will be hacked and shut down forever * 99.5% of cryptocurrencies will disappear, including Chinese Coins * ISO20022 coins backed by Precious Metals will be available * WW3 scare event will take place * Nuclear siren * Water events * The stock market collapsed * Global martial arts rules * CASTLE ROCK - Background Julian Assange * Quantum system * Odin project enabled * Nesara / Gesara / RV * Revealing the election through the Military Court - FISA * Military trial * 10 countries will run EBS for worldwide coverage * Tremendous truths revealed * Trump and Kennedy inaugurations * ISRAELI MOSSAD has controlled world media out of America. * Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink * The new quantum system will be protected by secret space programs beyond the reach of the Cabal * Satanic Media assets will be removed. * Israeli intelligence was forced to withdraw * Media assets will be removed * After communications are disabled, John F Kennedy Jr will appear. To convert to Gesara/Greatness, they must play this fake World War 3 scenario to sound the sirens in each National Military Command Center. This is to justify to the entire planet many things that have taken place. The Gesara Military Law was implemented which included Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions, executions etc. As usual, all armies will be there to help build new things. We have achieved freedom, saved our children and freed the world of corrupt governments and enslavers. FOLLOW: QFS ALERT PROJECT 🔞 FOLLOW: QFS ALERT PROJECT 🔞 FOLLOW: QFS ALERT PROJECT 🔞
Пост от 11.09.2024 15:20
9 145
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STORM! Trump’s Imminent Return Sparks Global Military Activation, Martial Law, and a Worldwide Blackout as Forces Mobilize on the Frontlines of the Ultimate Global Operation! We are on the edge of an unprecedented shift. Trump’s return is not just a political event; it’s the trigger for the complete breakdown of the Cabal's global control. This is a centuries-old system of manipulation, and the Global Military Alliance has been waiting for this moment to strike. October 20, 2024—a night the world will never forget. Martial law will roll out worldwide, and with it, a blackout like nothing we’ve seen before. Lights out, no communication, no news. The Cabal’s fortress of power will crumble, and in that darkness, the military will move like clockwork, sweeping through cities, arresting the elites who’ve bled the world dry. The military is not here for crowd control. They’ve been staged for weeks, waiting to execute mass arrests of traitors—politicians, CEOs, and tech moguls who thought they were untouchable. Pelosi, Schiff, Soros—they’re all on the list. This is the storm we’ve been waiting for! When the blackout hits, the Emergency Broadcast System will light up, broadcasting the truth that’s been hidden for decades. For three to ten days, the world will be forced to confront the real horrors—human trafficking, shadow deals, and the sinister forces pulling the strings behind every crisis. The Alliance will act globally, sweeping through every major city, taking down the Cabal’s network. This is a worldwide effort—Europe, Asia, the U.S.—nowhere will be safe for these tyrants. Billionaires and politicians will be dragged into the light. Their wealth frozen, their private jets grounded, their bunkers breached. Trump’s return isn’t symbolic. He will oversee the creation of a new system—the Quantum Financial System (QFS)—backed by real assets like gold and silver. No more currency manipulation, no more debt slavery. Every transaction will be traceable, and the elites will lose their ability to control economies. The Quantum Voting System will secure elections forever. No more fraud—votes will be counted instantly, transparently. It’s the end of rigged elections, and the start of true governance. Governments will be stripped down, lean, and accountable to the people. Med Beds will finally be released. These aren’t just healing machines—they’ll reverse aging, heal injuries, and cure diseases the elites have kept us dying from. Military forces will guard these centers, ensuring no one can stop this revolution in healthcare. As Trump dismantles the CIA, Mossad, and other corrupt agencies, a new era of transparency will begin. The Internet, reborn under Star Link, will be free from censorship, a platform for truth. This is it—the ultimate battle between good and evil is upon us. Victory is within reach. Brace for the blackout, the arrests, and the storm that will change everything. The Cabal’s time is up. Nothing can stop what’s coming. Join and share my channel immediately: https://t.me/JulianAssangeWiki
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